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New Year Run With Aster Spam Can
Aster Spam can
First ever run of new (built 2006) Aster Battle of Britain class “Winston Churchill”
Aster LNER B1 Mayflower running light engine
Live steam run with an ASTER SNCF 232TC and tinplate Wilag PLM coaches after failure of the ASTER PL
Norfolk Gauge One Live Steam aster spam can
Aster Bulleid Chassis Air Test Spitfire
Aster Southern Battle of Britain "SpamCan class 4-6-2
Aster live steam BR 5 Mixed Traffic on passenger duty
Sunny GTG at the White Horse Railway, Adams Radial tank, Aster 5MT and Spam can
ASTER Live Steam Schools class 4-4-0 and GER 0-6-0 with Goods Train - Gauge 1 in the Garden